
  • we provide fire and security solution based on image and network technology
    on TI(Texas Instruments) embedded platform in order to protect people's safety
    and comfort from potential risk, danger, etc. especially, with our various system.

    Contact us

  • TEL : 02-6325-2200
    FAX : 02-6325-2300
    Order Inquiry : sales_udworks@udworks.com
    Technical Inquiry : product_udworks@udworks.com

사업자등록번호: 211-87-17631 l TEL: 02-6325-2200 l FAX: 02-6325-2300
주소: 서울시 금천구 디지털로9길 32, B동 507호 (가산동, 갑을그레이트밸리) l COPYRIGHT(C) UDWORKS INC, ALL RIGHT RESERVED.